Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blog Called Ignorant and Arrogant...Responses to Criticism

We Cannot Be Ignored! 

Criticism and Ridicule

In response to last weeks blog post entitled "The Student Revolution" I have received many forms of ridicule and criticism from my own teachers.   

I have been told that this movement is perceived by professional educators as being ignorant and arrogant.

To add insult to injury another teacher told me, "because students do not have have any knowledge about the real world they should have absolutely no say in their education." 

In an attempt to silence my voice, and student's voices, I have been told that because I am Ignorant and Arrogant that  people will ignore this movement.  

Over and over again I have been told by teachers that our education can not change because of Austin's requirements for TAKS & STAAR Testing. 

As an example of the entrenched paradigm that many educators are stuck in, I was told that "if you cannot take a worksheet home and learn from it, then that's your problem."

Another response I received from my initial blog post was "Your Blog is crap and any educator who reads this should realize You need help."

Respectful Responses from 

Students Empowered by change (SEC)

With full respect to educators I would like to respond politely on behalf of the Students Empowered by Change.  I do not wish my voice to be the only voice in this discussion so I encourage readers to voice their responses in the comment section on this blog. 

Teacher Comment:  Your Blog is both ignorant and arrogant

SEC Response:  

Students Empowered by Change is neither ignorant nor arrogant. As high school students we are very aware that the real world is coming at us quickly and globalized change is happening fast!  As digital citizens of the globe who are connected and possess the digital literacy to see the warp-speed changes in the world that our teachers do not seem to even notice.  This knowledge about the lightening speed of change in the world is exactly why we are trying to change the way we are educated. Was it not Ghandi who once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Students Empowered by Change (SEC) has very specific goals. We want to enjoy learning through a proactive system of experiences and not just another mundane, drill and kill, worksheet. 

In the previous blog post we presented three ways to improve learning.   First, we want to be able to use our technology to access the knowledge base of the world.  By interacting with this knowledge we can advance our learning to real world scenarios.  The second demand to improve learning was un-schooling and moving away from the useless practice of using worksheet and knowledge based homework assignments with no real world relevance. 

SEC even presented three alternatives to the present system of learning. 

  1. Project-based learning
  2. Socratic Circle Discussions
  3. Student lead learning.
To My Educators I pose this Question:  Where are your proposals to improve the education I am receiving?

Finally, we demanded that a student leadership team be formed to improve our schools policies and practices.  We demand that this leadership team have real power to make change in our school and not just be a pawn to the present system. 

The aforementioned goals are not arrogant or ignorant at all. 

The idea of bright and responsible students having a say in their own education is not ignorant.  We are the ones doing the learning and should certainly have a say in how we accomplish the learning.  We care about our education but are being bored to death with meaningless work that has no real world relevance. 

Teacher Comment:  "People will start to ignore Students empowered by change."

SEC Response: 

People will not ignore us if we keep the movement rolling. People have viewed the initial blog post over 600times! People are looking at this movement and not ignoring it! The Education Service Center at Region 17 in Lubbock, a Texas based education service center, re-tweeted the link to the first blog post as did hundreds of others!


Teacher Assertion:  "We cannot change because of a standardized testing and rules and regulations imposed by the state." 

SEC Response:   

This is not true! The problem is not increased standards.  The problem is that teachers have been drinking the test prep cool-aid of way to long.  We can Change and switch to Project-based learning, Socratic circle discussions, and student lead learning and still be successful on the standardized test! In fact the research proves that we will perform even better!  Teachers just have to devise sophisticated lessons as projects, socratic circles, and student lead learning  We should not allow standardized tests to restrain our learning! 

Teacher Comment: "If you cannot take a worksheet home and learn from it, then that's your problem."

SEC Response:  

                  This is not Learning!                             
              This is not teaching! 
              This is not meaningful practice! 

Some Quick Shout Outs and Notes

First: I would like to say thank you to everyone who read the first post, re-tweeted it, and told your friends! Every view makes a difference! We had a rock solid 562 views as of November 4th! People are at least talking about the revolution and that is what is important!  My hope is that through my expression of my own struggles and beliefs as a student a new conversation can be started on the way to a new way of schooling, teaching, and learning.  

Second: I would like to point out that this movement questions the institution of learning not people or individual teachers methodologies. Students Empowered by Change wishes to focus on students having a say when it comes to how we learn and how we are taught. 

The state goal of this movement is to fundamentally change the educational paradigm and the mindset of teachers and policy makers.   

Third: I do not need the kind of help that one of the teachers above suggested.  I do not need psychological help or counseling.   I am perfectly sane! I promise! 

I do however need your help in spreading the word and continuing to force the conversation.  Please re-tweet, email, talk about, and generally promote the Blog.  This is the "help" that I need. 



  1. I really enjoyed reading this post and your last one. You have great things to say and it really is a shame that some people want to put you down for it. The sad truth is, some adults think they know more than students just for the simple fact that they are adults, and that is simply not true. When I was reading your last post, I remember feeling that exact same way when I was in high school. It's sad that the American education system can't catch up to the way technology has advanced, and it's even sadder that most adults that teach think technology is some evil that needs to be contained. Keep it up,

  2. i believe in your viewpoint Hunter! students deserve to have a say in how they want to learn, or at least be able to supply feedback on the education they're receiving!

  3. I enjoyed the first post ("The Student Revolution") because the suggestions for improving education are relevant and informed (rather than ignorant and arrogant). Technology is an important part of learning for today's "digital natives" and should be incorporated into the classroom. (Mike Ribble's "Digital Citizenship in Schools" provides teacher-friendly ideas for doing so). The idea of "unschooling" reminds me of the Montessori approach to education, which allows for student choice and ownership of work. Your point about learning more from fellow students than from teachers is in line with Lev Vygotsky's social constructivist theory. The status quo is not meeting the needs of all students and will not change without individuals who are willing to speak up - way to go, Hunter!

  4. Funny how the teacher states, "If you cannot take a worksheet home and learn from it, then that's your problem". Even at the young age that my children are at, they are told that. How can they "LEARN" if they arent being taught properly.

    Enjoyed reading your blog..

  5. How could I extend this to Amarillo and other places? Not this exact blog post but the idea you spread throughout the entire blog. I was wondering about making an SEC club at AHS because I really really enjoy this.
